讓我從一年前寫的英文作文開始吧!題目是”Dear Santa, Here Goes My Christmas Wish List: (Insert Blank Here)”
Dear Santa Claus,
Hope this letter finds you well among the millions you’ve received. While I may not be the most well-behaved child, I’m not asking much this Christmas, simply:
- Please DON’T send me any gifts.
- Allow me to explain why.
- 請不要再送我任何禮物。
- 請容我解釋原因。
First, accept my apologies and don’t take this personally. For centuries, you’ve brought joy to countless children whose eyes shine with eagerness for your arrival. Yet, as world’s foremost gift-giver, I believe there’s an opportunity to set an example of changing this practice, since, no offense, gift-giving has lost its essence.
In my school, birthday present exchanges have become more of meaningless chores than genuine acts. Each year, I receive gifts from numerous friends on my birthday; however, as December and their birthdays approach, reciprocating is stressful—and the class Christmas exchange doesn’t relieve the pressure. Most of us have shelves stocked with unused presents, and regrettably, regifting has become a common solution. But even so, keeping track of which items were given by whom to avoid awkward situations is draining.
This issue extends beyond our school. I wonder how different things might be without the burden of pointless gift-giving and unreasonable money-spending. When my friends agreed to stop exchanging presents on our birthdays, our friendships did endure—or perhaps even deepened without the pressure. According to Kat Vellos, friendships thrive on four elements: close physical proximity, regular interactions, compatible outlooks on life and shared commitments to support. None mentioned the necessity of material exchanges.
其實,這個問題不僅限於學校中。我不禁想,如果沒有失去意義的送禮文化和不合理的花費,我們的生活會有多大的不同。事實上,當我和一些朋友們約定不再互送生日禮物時,我們的友誼並未因此破裂——甚至因為從束縛中獲得自由而感情更好。根據 Kat Vellos 的研究,友誼的維繫取決於四個元素:彼此的接近、規律的互動、相近的人生觀以及共同的承諾。我們明顯可以看出,物質上的交換並不在這些條件中。
Therefore, I ask you to stop sending me gifts, and if it’s not too much to ask, consider ending this tradition altogether. With your decision to abandon this practice, all gift-givers and receivers would be freed from the obligation. I believe the spirit of celebrating special days lies in the joy of gathering with loved ones, regardless of those boxes underneath the trees. I acknowledge your concern of children’s excitement diminishing without you showing up in their chimneys, yet disconnecting gifts from Christmas can help mitigate materialism. Instead, they can enjoy family dinners, overnight stays with friends, or other meaningful activities on your holiday. As Ryan Ritchie suggested in NBC news, “I’d rather give and receive an experience, a conversation, something, anything, that can’t be tossed in the recycle bin.”
因此,我懇請您不要再送我聖誕禮物,甚至如果可以的話,考慮徹底結束這項習俗。若您能停止送禮給孩子們,所有的送禮者和受禮者都有機會從這種負擔中解脫。我相信,慶祝節日的真諦在於與摯愛的人相聚,那些聖誕樹下的禮物盒能算什麼?我完全明白您或許會擔心若不再光臨孩子們的煙囪,他們將不再有對聖誕節的期待,但其實少了禮物,少了物質主義,孩子們還是可以享受與家人團聚的晚餐、與朋友共度的夜晚,或其他有意義的活動。正如 Ryan Ritchie 在 NBC 新聞中所說:「我寧願送出和收到一種經歷、一場對話,或是任何不會直接被丟進回收桶裡的東西。」
However, one thing remains the downside of ending this tradition: you, our beloved Santa, might lose your job. Nevertheless, there are always alternative paths to explore. Perhaps, you have the potential for being a talented bobsledding Olympic athlete; or if your passion lies in bringing joy to children, consider establishing a sanctuary where they can engage with you and find solace. Surely, this would hold greater meaning than your current career. But alas, after centuries of service, a well-deserved retirement suits you just perfectly.
Ponder my words, and have a great Christmas with your loved ones!
(Works Cited: Are You Having a Tough Time Maintaining Friendships These Days?–The New York Times / Why it’s hard for people to give ‘nothing’ on Christmas–Ryan Ritchie)
小時候收到聖誕老公公的禮物,是我們快樂的回憶,但長大後,從朋友圈到學校的交換禮物活動,我們漸漸意識到這些習慣帶來的隱藏浪費與環境負擔。台灣人每年在聖誕節禮物的支出可以達數億新台幣,而其中超過 50% 的禮物可能在一年內被丟棄,從禮物本身到包裝、運輸,對環境造成多大的影響?況且,看看你家裡有多少不喜歡、永遠用不上,只能積灰塵的禮物,每年收到的「溫暖」有多少是我們其實不需要的呢?
- 和家人吃晚餐、和朋友團聚,美好回憶勝過所有物質交換
- 廢物、二手物品交換,對自己沒有價值的物品也可能在他人身上發揮作用!
- 蒐集自己家貓咪的毛做貓毛氈;)
- 從源頭減少最有效,減少物質禮物的交換,可以改成為彼此做一件事,寫首歌、畫幅畫、寫封信(紙本或電子都好!)
- 但實際上難以淘汰交換禮物的習俗,所以可以建議購買禮物的時候多選擇實用性的,例如襪子,這樣可以使收禮物者間接減少購買
- 環保產品,如玻璃吸管
- 選擇易分解產品勝於人工製造
- 使用紙而非塑膠包裝、重複使用包裝紙
- 做聖誕餅乾!入口直接回收;)
- 不適當的聖誕禮物最後可能造成世界毀滅 (環境資訊中心)
- How Holiday Gift Waste Impacts the Environment (Erica Sweeney/Discover Magazine)